Who is Evren Üçok? Is Evren Uçok Trendyol the owner? Who is Evren Ukok’s wife?

Who is Evren Üçok? When it comes to success story, Trendyol comes to mind first.. Who owns Trendyol, how much is the budget of Trendyol… These and similar questions are being researched a lot.. Today we will tell you the story of Evren Üçok, one of the owners of Trendyol.. Here is Evren Üçok biography.

Who is Evren Üçok? Trendyol has climbed to the top among Turkey’s most valuable companies with its latest investment.. One of its partners is Evren Üçok.. However, there is not much specific information about him.. Usually there is info on the job. So much so that it is very difficult to find a photo of Evren Üçok with his wife.. Nevertheless, we tried to convey to you the information we could find by pushing all the limits.. Because the topics such as where Evren Üçok is from and his age are highly researched.. Here is Evren Üçok’s CV.

Who is Evren Üçok?

Trendyol, Peak Games and more. Evren Üçok has investments in many technology initiatives.. actually focused on what program. They neither work on start-ups nor on marketing.. Evren Üçok’s background is all about finance.. He has already worked in an international consultancy firm for many years.. Which means that he has provided financial guidance for more than 15 years.. As we mentioned above, there is not much personal information.. However, we estimate Evren Üçok’s birth year as 1972 (may be wrong) when he entered high school.. He attended high school in Istanbul German High School between 1986-1994.. Evren Üçok’s way to go to the United States for his university education.. Üçok, which carries out joint works with important institutions, organizations and governments, has also invested in many initiatives during this time.. Of course, the most important of these is undoubtedly Trendyol.. However, apart from work, he would also make an investment in his private life.. She was also married to Demet Mutlu, who brought Trendyol to life and is currently the CEO.

Successful businessperson speaks English and German well.

Who is Evren Üçok’s wife?

Evren Üçok’s wife is Demet Suzan Mutlu. However, it is useful to say ex-wife because the couple has been divorced in the past months.. While studying at Harvard, he founded Trendyol with a capital of 300 thousand dollars.. Then, in 2019, he sold 75% of the company to the Chinese company Alibaba, one of the giants of the e-commerce industry.. Recently, Alibaba made another 350 million dollar investment in Trendyol.. This has increased the value of the company to the level of 10 billion dollars.. Evren Üçok is also among Trendyol’s partners.. While the majority share in the partnership structure of the company is owned by Alibaba, the scheme is exactly as follows;

  • Alibaba.com 351852 86.50%
  • Demet Suzan Mutlu 28315 6.96%
  • Evren Üçok 22575 5.55%
  • Begüm Tekin 3193 0.78%
  • Zeki Güçlü Kaya 844 0.21%
  • TOTAL 406779 100.00%

The value of Demet Mutlu Üçok’s current shares is approximately 650 million dollars.. Evren Üçok’s is around 520 million dollars.. The shares of Begüm Tekin, one of the other partners, are 75 million dollars.. Zeki Güçlü Kaya’s is around $20 million.

Evren Üçok investments

Universe Üçok has been drawing attention with the investments it has made in various start-ups since its years as a financial advisor.. Although Trendyol is one of them, it has also made angel investor in different startups.. Evren Üçok, who became an angel investor in Peak Games, which has left its mark on the last period, generated approximately 150 million dollars from this sale, and Evren Üçok’s wife Demet Mutlu generated approximately 100 million dollars.. Here are the investments of Evren Üçok, which also managed EarlyBird Venture Capital, one of Turkey’s largest funds for a period;

  • Trendyol
  • Peak Games
  • On Device Research

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