US-Based Exchange Delists 8 Altcoins

The United States-based stock exchange Poloniex, one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges of 2017 and later sold to Circle, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, announced that it will delist eight different cryptocurrencies. BTCD), Bitmark (BTM), Einsteinium, (EMC2), Gridcoin (GRC), NeosCoin(NEOS), PotCoin (POT), VeriCoin (VRC) and BitcoinPlus (XBC) altcoins will be removed from its platform as of September 25, 2018

“They Do Not Comply With Circle Standards”

While the spokesperson of Circle, the parent company of Poloniex exchange, pointed out that these eight cryptocurrencies were removed from the exchange in accordance with Circle’s Asset Evaluation Procedure, there was no word on what requirements the projects did not meet. No explanation was made.

Poloniex, one of the top 15 most used crypto currency exchanges of the year, is currently the 34th most preferred cryptocurrency according to Coinmarketcap data.. In the case of a cryptocurrency exchange.

The coins that Poloniex has unlisted have a relatively small volume and seem to have lost a lot of value since 2018.. The last move of Poloniex may push them into a greater darkness.

Altcoins, aware of this situation, also criticized Poloniex’s decision with their statements on Twitter;


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