Top 5 Investment Tokens in 2017 and Post-ICO Situations

Total investment amount collected in ICOs made throughout 2017 exceeded $6 billion, while 37%of this figure is only 20ICOs, collected alone. There has been a lot of news about the ICOs of companies such as Filecoin, Tezor and Bancor, and these ICOs have become a big topic. So what happened to these tokens after the ICO? Were the investors able to get the return of the large amount they invested within a few days? Let’s examine it together:

While investments made in ICOs, which are in the top 20 according to the amount of investment received, were valued at a rate of 870, this amount was reached in 3-4 months.. While making the evaluation, ICOs that are not traded on exchanges or that last less than 2 months are ignored, while the data is obtained from the research results of ICORating.

1. Tezos: $232M raised, tokens have been around for 3 months

  • Token Price in ICO: 1 XTZ = $0.47
  • Highest Tier: $11.21
  • Lowest Tier Down: $1.76
  • Price as of 10/01/2018: $5.42

$ after ICO price increase based on: 1.138

Process: Tezos was one of the most promising projects among the ICOs that took place in 2017. The project, which aims to facilitate new projects, was shown as a competitor to Ethereum.. However, the project’s roadmap does not have exact dates.. So much so that the founder of the project, Arthur Breitman, released the last update on December 22, and the platform is not expected to be established any time soon.

In addition, Tezos has recently been taken over by local and national courts of the United States. sued twice for violating its rules. The firm, which allegedly falsified the security records of its tokens, was accused of violating security rules.. In addition, the claim that large amounts of tokens were secretly distributed under the name of charity activities occupied the agenda for a while and some investors demanded the amount they deposited back, but this request was rejected by the company on the grounds that there was no such clause in the agreement signed before the ICO.

However, despite all these negativities, Tezos prices never tested their levels during the ICO and managed to rise 12.4fold in the post-ICO period, making its investors laugh.

2. Bancor: $153M raised, tokens available for 6 months

  • Token Price in ICO: 1 BNT = $3.92
  • Highest Tier: $8.17
  • Lowest Tier Down: $1.52
  • Price as of 10/01/2018: $9.91

$ after ICO increase in base: 108%

Process: Bancor aimed to easily issue smart tokens and convert them without the need for a second thing. The project managed to attract attention while it was still in application testing mode at a festival in 2017.. Currently, Bancor smoothly converts 14 cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum.. Bancor is cited as the lowest profit earner among the ICOs reviewed here.

3. Status: $100M raised, tokens have been around for 6 months

  • Token Price on ICO: 1 SNT = $0.037
  • Highest Level: $0.65
  • Lowest Tier Down: $0.02
  • Price as of 10/01/2018: $0.4

$ after ICO increase in base: 1.521

Process: Status is basically a communication program that allows users on the Ethereum network to easily message each other. The founders of the system, which includes mobile correspondence and a browser, stated that the application was completed in the second half of 2017.. or 3. Although they have announced that it will be ready in the fourth quarter, the emergence of the program seems a little late.. However; This delay in the platform, which is expected to announce features such as the encrypted messaging option and Ether wallet in the beta version, does not indicate that there is no progress.

While the weekly update reports published by the status team leaders are publicly shared, the project has been difficult, albeit difficult. expected to end. Despite this delay, the value of SNT tokens continues to grow.. If you bought 1 dollar SNT token during the ICO period, your money is now 16.2.

4. Kin: $98 million raised, tokens have been around for 3 months

  • Token Price in ICO: 1 KIN = $0.0001
  • Highest Level: $0.001434
  • Lowest Tier Down: $0.000037
  • Price as of 01/01/2018: $0.000861

$ after ICO increase in basis: 1.023%

Process: At the time of the Kin ICO, the investment was seen as low risk and people were very excited about this product. The Kin project aims to bring a promising approach to video and instant, random messaging systems, which are the new trend in the communication industry.. Kin, which we can also describe as a WeChat-like application, already has an application called “Kik”, which has 300 million monthly active users.

However, avoid these people KIN crypto money It is not known whether he started using the unit and put it into active trading.. In addition, KIN’s integration with Kik is also planned for 3 months of 2017..

Kin’s moves against Ethereum are suspended for now due to investors’ complaints.. Kin, which has more advantageous points compared to Status, one of its competitors in the sector, fell behind Status’s 16 to 1 increase, but still pleased its investors with an increase of 1 to 10.

5. TenX: $80 million raised, tokens have been around for 6 months

  • Price in ICO: 1 SHARE: $0.64
  • Highest Tier: $5.33
  • Lowest Level: $0.56
  • Price as of 10/01/2018: $3.60

Increase in dollar terms after ICO: 550%

Process: TenX is a project that set out to facilitate the use of cryptocurrencies in daily life.. The Android version of TenX, which has already released its application, has been downloaded more than 50 thousand times, although it is still in beta mode since August. expected to be driven. Although TenX prices have bottomed out at 0.56 after the exponential increase, they are now hovering at 3.60.

Key Factors Playing a Role in Success or Failure


When we look at the successful ICOs in 2017, we see that these products aim to relax the Blockchain and crypto money market.. So much so that trading, payments, rewards etc.. Projects that facilitate the use of cryptocurrencies in areas such as ICOs have managed to collect significant investments.. However, of course, these factors do not mean that the project will achieve serious success in the post-ICO period.

The main thing at this point is that the projects have a valid documentation of the projects and company goals.. At the same time, it is an important factor to inform investors tightly while achieving these goals.

The two main problems we face in the post-ICO period are the overvaluation of the product and transparency.. The main benchmark for investors is that the project continues to evolve post-ICO on the way it speaks.. However, project founders cannot always make this possible.. There are many founders who disappear after a successful ICO, and this makes their products more vulnerable. trying to achieve in. If the targets set before the project are not met, investors are more likely to sell their tokens.

This and many other reasons cause token prices to fall.. Considering that $6 billionwas raised in ICOs in 2017, this list seems to gain much greater value in 2018.

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