TikTok has unpublished hundreds of videos: Among them are high-ranking officials

As part of the fight against coronavirus, social media platforms took the responsibility to prevent information pollution, and another move came from the video sharing application TikTok. The social media network, which has reached over 700 million monthly active users, has removed hundreds of videos in Australia as part of the fight against the epidemic.

They signed a new decision

Technology giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Redbubble, Apple, Adobe and TikTok announced that they would fight against sharing information pollution and signed a decision for sharing misinformation and disinformation. According to the decision in question, the sharing will be removed and the account will be suspended as soon as false and intentional information spread on the platforms is detected.

Australian senior officials

According to the information received after the said decision, it turned out that TikTok removed hundreds of videos containing information pollution. Between October 2020 and March 2021, 651 videos that were found to provide false information about coronavirus in Australia were removed, while 222 more videos were reportedly removed due to false medical information. Among the videos in question are videos of Australian senior officials. A video claiming that the AstraZeneca vaccine caused serious side effects in 80 percent of the Australian navy, a video in which the previously hospitalized Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt alleged his illness was linked to the coronavirus vaccine was removed for violating TikTok’s policy .

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