Russia is Developing a System to Detect Miners

The Russian Government is expected to be a new stop for miners who have serious problems with China. On this subject, we shared with you an article containing this information in the past days.. The Russian government, which is preparing for this miner migration, continues its efforts to make relevant regulations.. While the government is working on a system that will allow people to be identified and identified who are mining cryptocurrencies; Special electricity discounts for miners and some other promotions are also on the agenda.

System for Detection of Miners

The regulation of this issue is also of great importance in the country which is preparing for intense miner migration.. While the Russian government, which continues to carry out field studies on the subject, is working on a system that will detect people engaged in mining activities, these studies have reached the final point. Statements from the Russian Communications Agency and local media also confirm this.. The news published in the country’s Vedomosti included the following:

“People who will mine cryptocurrencies are preparing to be identified. Internet and electricity consumptions will be calculated and compared with the energy capacities of the registered mining devices and billing will be made accordingly.”

While both officials from the Russian Communications Department confirmed these news, crypto currency mining is becoming widespread in the country. It has been agreed that such arrangements before the period when the government will start are in the interest of both society and the state.. New regulations are expected to come into force February 1.

This is not the first time that Russia has resorted to research to identify mining people.. Previously, some studies were carried out to identify people with similar activities in the country.. For example, last OctoberRussian government official Anatoly Aksakov stated that they are trying to identify people who are mining by looking at energy consumption rates.

How will the system work?

Judging by the words of the officials of the Russian Ministry of Energy, it is at least technically possible for the system to work.. However, the economic feasibility of these follow-ups is of critical importance for the future of the system.. The government nevertheless recognizes that the system can be tracked on a per-institutional basis rather than on an individual basis.. After all, it is not easy to say that the subscribers are mining by looking at the electricity they consume, however; The monitoring of institutions seems more possible, especially due to the registration of equipment.

Government officials and some experts are also aware that the traceability of the system is difficult, especially at the level of individuals.. For example, one official speaking to Ria Novosti from local press organs stated that “It is very difficult to decide that a person is mining just by looking at their electricity bills” and added: “Maybe the man has nothing to do with crypto money, just He downloads his favorite TV series.”

Andrei Koptelov, who is active in the Department of Economic Research at Synergy University , shares this idea as well.. Koptelov explains his ideas as follows:

“It is impossible to conclude that a person is mining just by examining the amount of energy consumed by a person and their internet traffic.. There is no infrastructure yet to distinguish what people use electricity for.. You can use electricity to heat the house or to mine.. And it won’t be easy to follow.”

Special Tax Discounts for Miners

The Russian authorities, who tried to regulate the case on the side of the law by scanning the cryptocurrency mining as much as possible, nevertheless offered special discounts for miners. is also planning. Working for miners to work in a more comfortable environment, Russian authorities continue to work to make some arrangements.. Speaking to RBC, an unnamed Russian official said:

Initially, we are considering a two-year tax exemption for miners.. Then taxation will be made on their earnings.. However, VAT will not be paid.”

However, there is another explanation to the contrary. In a statement to Ria Novosti, MP Alexei Moiseev stated that “his ministry does not require tax exemption for miners”. However, although tax exemption is not planned, special electricity discounts for miners and the use of some special tariffs are also on the agenda.

There are serious discussions on the subject in the Russian government.. Russian officials, who have been discussing what to do about this issue almost every week, have not yet come to a conclusion.. Speaking about the details of the last meeting, a government official said, “Until now, no one has been able to explain clearly why tax breaks should be given to miners.”. According to some opinions in the Russian government, the country is almost a heaven in terms of energy compared to its counterparts in the world. Russian authorities are waiting for a more solid explanation from the other side of this issue about why the already very cheap energy cost should be further reduced for miners…

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