Nakamoto Claim From Bitcoin Pioneer Who Distributed $ 100 Million

One of the early pioneers of Bitcoin, Jeff Garzik announced that he donated $100 million worth of Bitcoin and has no regrets about it.

Making Money for What You Believe

Garzik, in 2010 Been in this field since reading a blog post about Bitcoin. By writing codes for Bitcoin, he soon became the third largest contributor to Bitcoin, after Satoshi Nakamoto and Gavin Andresen.

However, in an interview with Bloomberg, the Bitcoin pioneer talks about the currency not being what he thought.. Despite this, he is proud of the success achieved so far. So much so, that seven years ago, he distributed 15,678 Bitcoins to encourage work on software at a development awards.. In other words, at its current price, it is around $100 million.. But there is no such doubt anymore.”

While Nakamoto’s idea of ​​using Bitcoin as private sector money has yet to materialize, it’s also fine for Garzik to see it as a store of value.

“It’s an organism, something that evolves.. Although it has not evolved to make large payments. This is something we thought about at first: Traders accepting Bitcoin. But, as a means of accumulating value, it is unquestionably successful.”

The Real Nakamoto could be Kleiman

Although he works closely with Nakamoto, but only online; Garzik thinks he knows who he might be.

Speaking of Florida’s Dave Kleiman, he said “the gentleman was self-taught” and “his coding style matches”. He continued:

“…The Bitcoin coder was a very smart person, but not a classically trained software engineer.”

Confined to a wheelchair as a result of a motorcycle accident Kleiman died in 2013 after contracting MRSA. Kleiman, a former Florida sheriff’s officer, later became a forensic expert.. In 2016, Australian Craig Wright, who was allegedly Nakamoto, was sued for stealing millions of dollars of Kleiman’s Bitcoin and intellectual property.

According to a report published in February, Kleiman and Wright have partnered to mine Bitcoin. and they controlled 1.1 million Bitcoins between them. However, a lawsuit filed in February alleges that Wright tried to defraud Kleiman by taking his Bitcoin and intellectual property. founded a company. According to the lawsuit, Kleiman owned more than 50% of W&K. So, Kleiman owns $5,118,266,427.50 in Bitcoin and IP rights.

On November 9, Roger Ven, the lawyer behind Bitcoin Cash, uploaded a video to Youtube and told Wright that he was Nakamoto and that BCH’

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