Goldman Sachs-backed Circle announces it’s adding Monero

Goldman Sachs-backed blockchain startup Circle announced on Monday that it has added privacy-focused cryptocurrency Monero to its investment app.

Just one week after the payment platform announced the addition of Zcash to its trading app. then announced the addition of Monero.

As with other tokens in the app, users can buy or invest in the cryptocurrency.

In addition to privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies, Circle Invest; It also offers Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Eternium Classic and Litecoin.

Circle’s senior product manager Rachel Mayer said in the official statement:

“Last week, Zcash We’ve added ‘ to Circle Invest’s cryptocurrency family. Today, we continue to grow our coin collection by supporting Monero as our newly listed crypto asset. Thus, our investable crypto assets have increased to a total of 7 coins. This makes Circle Invest one of the platforms where you can invest coins instantly and seamlessly using your bank account.”

Invest app is a zero commission digital investment product as previously reported. .

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