Events in Venezuela and Petro

Guido, who appointed himself as the new president in Venezuela and announced that he was recognized as the new president by US President Donald Trump, has become a young leader at the age of 35. Venezuela has now become a country where the Nicolas Maduro administration is expected to fall soon, and where people take to the streets to protest for the inauguration of the new president, Guaido, now recognized by the United States.. The statements made by the Nicolas Maduro administration came to the fore with the statement that the economic problems in the country were ignored, and that he continued to make statements that did not even acknowledge that there were certain problems, and that he would not resign his post.

President Donald Trump, the new leader of Venezuela, Guaido After announcing that he was the president of the European Union, he supported the recognition of Guaido as president and called for Nicolas Maduro to immediately resign from his illegitimate position and fulfill his requirements.

What concerns us in this case is Venezuela’s own cryptocurrency. Peter’s future. The future of the Petro will not be long, the new president Guaido took some steps after he took the presidency after today, the first day he took office, and by removing the necessity of using the Petro and removing it, the number of people using and owning the Petro decreased to almost zero. It is expected.

It was not used, it will never be used

The new Venezuelan President Guaido, when he takes office, is expected to remove the crypto currency requirements and work for citizens to use the country’s official currency.. The reasons for using Petro, which is not allowed to be listed on crypto currency exchanges after the US bans the Petro, and which is sold only on the website of the Venezuelan government, and which is sold on a limited basis in some exchanges, are among the reasons for using the Petro to get a passport or to get a driver’s license and identity card. obligation to pay. Venezuelan people had to leave the country under great difficulties or buy Petro in order to do some official business in the country.. While this challenge posed by the state to its citizens, drew a reaction in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro tried to impose on his people that he took a so-called “against US imperialism” stance and that he could defeat the US sanctions with the cryptocurrency Petro. Former President Nicolas Maduro, who has not made a statement about the issue for a long time and has recently increased its value to 36,000 New Bolívars, has called for the Petro to be preferred by the people.

The new president Petro will not say metro!

The new President of Venezuela, Guaido, is not recognized as a name with or without support for cryptocurrencies, but is expected to completely end the use of Petro thanks to the obligations he will lift in the country. The fact that the petro is a cryptocurrency that only harms the Venezuelan economy and that has no basis behind it, but is claimed to have a very high value, is proof that these problems in the country can only be solved by the new president.

Immediately after the Petro proposal to Nicolas Maduro, Maduro introduced the crypto currency Petro and announced that he offered to trade with Petro when he came to Turkey.. The response to Nicolas Maduro, who suggested the use of the Petro to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was not given a positive response, but there were reports in the press, claiming that the Petro could be evaluated.

  • The Venezuelan economy has experienced major crises in recent years. experienced, and these crises have recently left irreversible damage.. While the US Dollar has become unavailable in the country, the fact that even the cryptocurrency Petro is not found has caused a delay for the citizens of the country to get their driver’s license and similar official documents.. It was previously claimed that Petro was a copy of Dash, but was denied by Venezuela.

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