Coinbase Switches to Subscription System!

2. The major cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, in a survey it conducted, asked the respondents, “How would you respond if we switch to the subscription system?” sought an answer to his question. No information was given about the creation of a new subscription system by the 2nd largest cryptocurrency exchange, which attracted the most attention among crypto currency exchanges, and how much the new subscription system will decrease in market maker rates. It is thought that crypto money exchanges have been working on the subscription system and similar projects for a while.

Coinbase may be testing the new subscription system

It is estimated that the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange may be testing the new system. With the new subscription system, Coinbase can grant privileges in terms of fee reduction in commissions and granting certain privileges. While it is estimated that the exchange will set an example for other cryptocurrency exchanges with the new subscription system, it is a curious question how much subscription fee it will charge for the subscription system. While Coinbase has not made an official statement on the subject, there may be expectations that the subscription system will be a first in the industry, and this may trigger other crypto money exchanges.

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