China Increases Pressure on Cryptocurrency Traders

The problems that started between China and crypto money do not seem to end. In the People’s Republic of China, where the problems between miners, stock markets and people who trade cryptocurrencies never end, the government has made another move.

Chinese press According to the news, the Central Bank of China issued warnings to institutions that act as payment intermediaries in crypto currency trades. In the news that first appeared in the Securities Times, the publication organ of the Communist Party in China, the Central Bank of China warned the institutions that ensure the realization of payments about crypto money users and It has been stated that strong>forbids service to these users .

While there is no official statement from the government level about whether the allegations are true or not, if the allegations are true, the Central Bank of China will list the people who trade cryptocurrencies from these institutions. will request and conduct research. He reminded that it is their legal responsibility to notify these names and that these institutions may also be sanctioned if they do not. In China, the Central Bank last year banned ICOs. After the ban of ICOs, the trade volume in China has largely shifted to decentralized exchanges.

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