Bitcoin Drops, Should We Sell or Wait?

The impact of the drops in the Bitcoin price has sent all investors to fear, anxiety and panic. Investors began to say that they could not decide what to do and they were undecided on whether to sell cryptocurrencies.. This issue, which concerns almost all, not some, of the investors, in the crypto money market, where billions of dollars in value is lost, “What to do, sell or wait, will it be good for us?”

Bitcoin price does not fall alone, it also shows its effect by lowering other cryptocurrencies, causing the volume rates and value in the entire market to decrease, leading to larger sales of cryptocurrencies. causes the effect. According to the investors, while the profit rates to be obtained from the sales of cryptocurrencies are temporary, they want to make a single decision and implement this decision on their own, as they may “repent” of selling in the event of a possible big rise in the future.

Should they sell Bitcoin or wait?

Depending on how much you bought Bitcoin, waiting might be good for you to earn more.. If you bought Bitcoin at $ 1,000 and you are not worried about earnings, waiting for a certain period of time and waiting until you see the level of $ 3,500 may allow you to gain more thanks to the rising prices with the return of spring weather, in case there are no possible decreases.. If you have bought at the $4,000 level or if you have bought at a price close to this level, selling may be the best option as it can prevent all possible losses.

People who have invested between $6,500 and above and $19,000, which is the most important price level. Due to the great sadness they experienced, these people started to think, “I will sell no matter what, I have to accept that I have lost, even if it is difficult, that Bitcoin is a bubble”.. It can be thought that these people, who are in a panic mood, justify their thoughts, as there are big decreases among the justified reasons and these decreases are below the $4,500 level. Every investor who acts later, except for those who act suddenly, will be condemned to loss if he makes a sale because he is late and does not sell when it is at a high price.. If you have invested $ 6,500 and above, considering that your current loss is extremely large, it is almost certain that the value of your money will have lost between 100-200% when you sell.. Since 100% and 200% depreciation are high numbers even for large or small money amounts, it is recommended that these people wait for the spring weather no matter how low and wait for the Bitcoin price, which is expected to rise with the entry of the bull market.

According to analysts, the arrival of the bull market will come later than the bear markets experienced in the past periods due to large decreases, and this delay may cause investors to wait for 6 months or more.. It can be difficult to wait for a long time, but considering that crypto money investments are long-term investments, and there is a sudden rise to the $ 19,000 level, there is no reason not to wait.. Only being aware of where, when and how things are going by carefully and frequently checking the market will be a barrier to potential declines.. By controlling your own investments, it will allow you to understand when and how the decreases in Bitcoin price occur, so your own follow-ups are more important in times of decline.

Decreases in Bitcoin price may be temporary

Bitcoin price decreases. While the price declines of other cryptocurrencies and other cryptocurrencies are never thought to be permanent, only some analysts claim that cryptocurrencies will fall below $ 100 and will never rise again.. Since crypto analysts do not know for sure, Bitcoin price will show what, when and how it will happen.. Although knowing that the changes in the price are high always gives “fear” to the investors, it is necessary to know that this fear is temporary.. It is predicted that sooner or later there will be an increase in Bitcoin price.

100% certainty cannot be given on Bitcoin price and other issues.. This content has been specially prepared for and is never investment advice or advice.

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