340 Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Companies Closed in the UK!

According to research conducted in the UK, the number of crypto money companies is decreasing day by day. It showed that more than 340 crypto companies were shut down in 2018 and the number of Blockchain technology companies is also on the way with increasing numbers. Due to the decline in the price of cryptocurrencies and the political and economic events in the UK for a while, many companies and companies in the country chose the way of closing and decided to move companies to different countries. While the UK will not become a preferred center for cryptocurrencies and chain technology for a while, with the effect of being determined by itself, the way to prevent this will be thanks to the convenience it will offer to these companies. While the UK administration shows that it does not want this and that a certain period of time is needed for the regulation of cryptocurrencies in the country, with its current movements and explanations, chain technology companies continue to prefer the USA or Israel instead of EU member countries. It is not yet known how many companies will be closed in the UK by the end of this year.

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