ZeroEdge.Bet diverts its course to Great Britain

Zero Edge, the startup that has built a blockchain-based online casino network, is expanding its reach.

Announcing that it will open new offices in London, the company announced that it will open new offices in the pre-sale process. He stated that he took such a decision after the success and took his growth targets one step further. did. Composed of a range of experts in their fields, including online gaming, cryptocurrencies, marketing, support and much more, the team has laid out the welcome mat for gamers in the UK.

ZeroEdge.Bet CEO’ su Adrian Casey said:

This is great news for us and our community. We are very pleased to have our new office in London. Access to the talented job market was one of the reasons for opening an office in London.. Blockchain experts, gambling industry executives, marketing gurus… All here. That’s why we will strive to grow to help us thrive in every aspect of our business.

The UK is one of the leading gaming industry

The size of the UK gaming market is 14% per year. exceeds the incredible number of billion pounds. Zero Edge will launch the first Blockchain-based gambling site in the UK market after all Zerocoins have been sold with the completion of the ICO.

It is no coincidence that Zero Edge has chosen London as one of its main centers of operation.. One of the world’s most popular cities, London is also a confluence of global cultures and represents one of the world’s largest online gambling markets.

House edge’s spiraling out of control has hit the British as well

British people love to play games of chance online and do so for hours at various online casinos for the UK market. However, until fairly recently, players in the UK were facing the same problem as players in other parts of the world: On online gambling sites, house edge was quite obviously out of control.

Zero Edge’s launch in London This is one of the reasons for the growth.. Because the platform is the first company to offer this to users with the concept of 0% house edge, not 1 but 10 steps ahead of its competitors.

What is Zero Edge and how does it work?

The Zero Edge online gambling network is an innovative way to offer online casino games to players around the world.. While traditional online gambling sites focus on your loss of millions of lira; Zero Edge is doing something completely new. Increases its value by offering game option with 0% house edge for Zerocoin. The winnings are not from the players, but from the increase in the value of Zerocoin. This model will profoundly change the online gambling industry. Zero Edge casino offers 0% house edge, making online gambling truly fair for the first time!

Zero Edge is also a platform for organizations to set up and operate their own games on the Zero Edge platform. will provide an opportunity. This will allow anyone with minimal technical knowledge to run their own game and profit from the increased value of the ZeroEdge token.. Game developers will be rewarded with ZeroEdge tokens for their contribution to the network based on a variety of factors.. Popularity of the game, UI/UX levels etc.. The features will create a highly competitive environment and open the door to a wide variety of available games on the platform.

Zero Edge pre-sale continues: Don’t miss out on a 79% discount and a low hard cap of 1500 ETH!

Zero Edge, which is the first platform to offer 0% house edge for online gambling lovers, will be powered by Zerocoin to provide this unique feature.. Zerocoin’s value is expected to rise steadily from the minute it is released.

You have a great opportunity to learn about the ICO and participate in the pre-sale event.. The pre-sale, where there is no soft cap and the hard cap is determined as only 1500 ETH, and which started on February 28, will end on March 15.

For detailed information, you can visit the official website of Zero Edge.


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