Bitcoin Billionaires Hiding in the Shadows

Thanks to the transparent nature of Bitcoin besides anonymity, interesting things can be seen in the information that can be easily accessed in wallets in the market.. While we can’t see who owns the top 10 wallets on the richest list, some are easy to understand.

The Winklevoss twins made history in December as the first community-recognized Bitcoin billionaires.. At the time, the Winklevoss twins were estimated to have 91,666 Bitcoins, or $1,063 billion.. According to estimates, there may be many more Bitcoin billionaires hiding in the shadows and unseen.

Distributed Wealths of the Distributed Ledger

If we were to keep all the money we have in one wallet, we could put the pieces together and see who owned what. We could create a rich list by looking at. But Bitcoin’s anonymity and good storage make things difficult.

I exclude ordinary mortals like myself, but investors who see their wealth in billions hide their wealth not in one place but in several different places.


What they are doing is actually quite logical because the Bitcoin market is like a table of wolves.. Scammers, scammers and hackers are just trying to get a piece of meat from you.. If you’re a little skeptical about security, you can read this article:

Up to 200 Billionaires

While wishing to remain anonymous due to security concerns, a BitInfoCharts representative emailed MSN to Bitcoin’s current market cap and many more. Considering the fact that people hold their Bitcoins at several different addresses, he said that there may be as many as 200 Bitcoin billionaires right now, and the number is probably no less than 35.

The representative also has this loaded He noted that many of the addresses were most likely used by exchanges or hedge funds.

Considering that there are currently over 100 addresses holding more than $100 million in Bitcoin, we understand that there may indeed be more Bitcoin billionaires than meets the eye.. Bitcoin, which has been on the rise over the years, has made many millionaires during this increase and it seems that they are now starting to become billionaires.

Better to Hide

Huge profits by investing early or trading wisely. Why do people who have achieved and reached the level of billionaires remain so secret?

The king of privacy and anonymity is undisputed, Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin. It is thought that Nakamoto has 1 million Bitcoins.

Many claims have been made about why Satoshi Nakamoto remains secret and has no activity on Bitcoin, but of course we do not know for sure.. If Satoshi is alive, he is now among the richest people in the world.

The Taxpayers Are Coming, Avoid…

Of course, if you have enough wealth to easily buy an island and this wealth is in Bitcoin, so if you don’t pay taxes, it’s quite natural that you choose to remain anonymous.. If you were to expose yourself so suddenly, you wouldn’t be able to avoid paying taxes.

We think that the reason why regulators still haven’t come to a definite conclusion about Bitcoin is that when it comes to Bitcoin, they are looking at the symptoms, not the disease itself.. However, legal developments continue for Bitcoin both in our country and around the world.. In a few years, we may even start to see Bitcoin tax.

Those who have a huge wealth and reveal their identity will most likely be the first people to come under the gun.

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