French Finance Minister made positive statements about the crypto money sector

French Finance Minister made positive statements about the crypto money industry. Speaking at the G20 summit held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina this week, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Marie made statements addressing the importance of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin on the world economy.. In the news in the previous days, it is known that France and Germany insisted on discussing cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin at the G20 summit.

The regulations regarding cryptocurrencies are expected to come into effect from July this year

Bruno Le Marie said in a statement that France will work on regulating cryptocurrencies and putting them on a legal basis, like other countries.. He also called on the European Union countries to lead the developments in the crypto money economy.. The idea of ​​banning cryptocurrencies, which previously caused chaos in the market, is gradually disappearing.

French Finance Minister states that it is possible to use cryptocurrencies in actions such as money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist financing


Bruno Le Marie states that she has the same concerns as other world leaders and colleagues.. In addition, the French Finance Minister says that it is possible to use cryptocurrencies in actions such as money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist financing.. However, Bruno Le Marie also reveals his appreciation for Blockchain technology. states that it is necessary to regulate it on legal ground. At the same time, he calls on Europe to be a pioneer in this regard.

It seems possible for central banks to issue their own cryptocurrencies in the future

Also, according to a report in the Brazilian press, Bruno Le Marie will in future have central banks own their own cryptocurrencies. stated that it is possible for them to issue cryptocurrencies. However, in order for the system to evolve in this direction, legal regulations must come and be accepted first.. It seems that the industry’s view of these statements is positive.

We stand by and support the blockchain technology.

Bruno Le Marie, Blockchain technology and Bitcoin can lead financial innovations states that he is strong. He also emphasizes the importance of cryptocurrencies for the best growth of this market and adds the following statements to his explanations:

Of course we accept the fact that cryptocurrencies and their values ​​are interesting to everyone.. Of course, we stand by and support Blockchain technology, which will support financial products both in Europe and all over the world.. In order for the whole society to benefit from these technologies in the best way, we must do the necessary work.. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to ensure the reliability of these technologies for investors and citizens.

“We do not want to face the negative consequences of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.”

Bruno Le Marie ‘s statements are similar to Spanish Economy Minister Roman Escolano Olivares, who spoke at the same summit.. Speaking on the subject in Buenos Aires, Escolano Olivares also stated that he does not see cryptocurrencies as a threat to the global economic system.. It also signals that the European Union can act with its own system instead of waiting for a global cryptocurrency regulation agreement.

Bruno Le Marie has previously made statements about cryptocurrencies and their regulation.. Bruno Le Marie made the following statements at an event he attended before:

We want a stable economy. We do not want to face the negative consequences of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that are open to speculation.. That’s why I commissioned Jean Pierre Landau, the ex-president of the Bank of France, to research cryptocurrencies and find legal solutions for us.


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