Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallet Trezor Warns: Our Clones Are Available

Trezor, a physical cryptocurrency storage wallet that supports more than 500 cryptocurrencies in addition to Bitcoin, announced in an article published on Medium that the exact same model of Trezor One is launched as a fake, and fraudsters target users.

The Trezor team, who stated that they have encountered such actions many times in the past years, but that this time they were surprised because the device was so close to their own, the Trezor team emphasized that the product was created and released by a different company.

Trezor clones are legal. While it was stated that it was released by companies and offered for sale under a different name, but users were directed to this device in their transactions to purchase Trezor, it was stated in the news in CCN that users’ cryptocurrencies could be targeted by thieves with this method.

With Price Difference. Understandable

Although it has a different name, Trezor air It was stated that companies that try to attract the attention of users by creating a logo can be noticed by the fact that their products are much cheaper than the price of Trezor, and this picture also shows that the Trezor seal makes a difference between the two products.

While the seal above belongs to the real Trezor. The seal at the bottom belongs to the fake product;

Similarly, the left picture is of the packaging of the counterfeit product in the form of Trezor, while the difference between the hologram on the right product and the hologram on the left figure can be seen.

While users are asked to procure products only from Trezor’s own website, Amazon and the sellers listed on the official website, it is emphasized that they should stay away from second-hand wallet sales platforms such as eBay.

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