The Verge gears up: Spotify is the new destination after Pornhub

The Verge (XVG), which recently signed a partnership agreement with the world’s largest porn site Pornhub, is now contemplating another historical collaboration.. Cees Van Dam, a member of the Verge’s core team, has joined the Verge’s passionate community to support a campaign to get Spotify to adopt XVG.

The most powerful privacy-focused digital currency One of its sides is undoubtedly its passionate fan base.. This call, made by Verge core team Van Dam on his personal Twitter account, was liked and retweeted hundreds of times.

Currently launched by Verge, the campaign is listed under the heading “Best Ideas” on Therefore, even if the company chooses not to act on this in the short term, it will most likely at least see the proposal.

For VergeFam members, who make up the Verge community, it has become a habit to identify new potential partners.. Recent recommendations have included companies like Stripe, Tinder, and Netflix.

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